
Demetrios Chalkokondyles (1423-1511)

Chalkokondyles was a famous Greek scholar. he taught Greek literature an philosophy in Italy for over 40 years. He befriended Lorenzo de Medici and lectured in Florence, where he assisted Ficino, who translated Plato in Latin

De nominum ac verborum syntaxi demetrii chalcondylae erotemata, sive institutiones grammaticae, unà cum melioris volmarii erythropolitani praefatione, in qua de ratione discendae linguae Graecae nonnulla, dignißima cognitu. Accessit item, emmanvelis moschopuli de nominum ac verborum syntaxi libellus. Basel, [Johann Oporinus, 1546]

Batrachomyomachia homeru odysseia batrachomyomachia hymnoilb. Ek tes pemptes kai epimelesteras anagnoseos. Cum indice adiecto. Hymnoi. Worms, apud Philipp Köpfel et Sigmund Feyerabend, 1563

Odysseia.batrachomyomachia. Hymnoi.lb. [Strasbourg, Wolfgang Köpfel], 1525

Odysseia.batrachomyomachia. Hymnoi.lb. [Strasbourg, Wolfgang Köpfel], 1534 |

Odysseia. Batrachomyomachia. Hymnoi.lb. [Strasbourg, Wolfgang Köpfel], 1542

Odysseia. Batrachomyomachia. Hymnoi.lb. Eustathiu archiepiskopu thessalonikes parekbolai eis tu homeru odysseian. Cum indice nunc primum adiecto. Strasbourg, apud Wolfgang Köpfel, 1550

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