
Alessandro Achillini (1463-1512)

Alessandro Achillini was an Italian physician, philosopher and humanist who is best known for his contributions to the scientific revolution of the 16th century. He was born in Bologna, Italy and studied medicine at the University of Bologna, graduating in 1483.

Achillini was an influential figure in the Renaissance, and was among the first to challenge the authority of the ancient medical texts. He was an ardent proponent of the experimental method, and believed that medical understanding should be based on observation, rather than on the authority of ancient texts.

Annotationes anatomiae magni Alexandri Achillini Bononiensis. Bologna, per Girolamo Benedetti, 1520

De elementis. 1506 |

De intelligentiis. 1506 |

De intelligentiis. De orbibus … 1508 |

De orbibus coeli. Bologna, Benedictus Hectoris, 7 August 1498

De potestate syllogismi. 1504

Distinctiones. 1510

Opera omnia in unum collecta. De intelligentiis. De orbibus. De universalibus. De physico auditu. De elementis. De subiecto physionomiae et chiromantiae. De subiecto medicinae. De prima potestate syllogismi. De distinctionibus. De proportione motuum. Cum annotationibus excellentissimi doctoris Pamphili Montii Bononiens scholae Patavinae publici professoris. Venezia, apud Girolamo Scoto, 1545 | |

Opera omnia. Venezia, 1551 |

Opera omnia. Venezia, 1568 |

Quodlibeta de intelligentiis. Bologna, Benedictus Hectoris, [after] 1 June 1494

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