
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (80 BC-after 15 AC)

Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, born in 80 BCE, was a Roman architect, engineer, and author. He is best known for his ten-volume treatise De Architectura, which is considered to be the first written work on the subject of architectural theory and practice. iIt is considered to be one of the most influential works of architecture. In it, Vitruvius outlines his theories of symmetry, proportion, and harmony in architecture and engineering, which were heavily influenced by the ancient Greeks and Egyptians.

Abregé des dix livres d’architecture. Paris, 1674

An abridgement of the architecture of Vitruvius. London 1692

Architectura oder Bauung der Antiquen auss dem Vitruvius, woellches sein funff Collummen Orden. Antwerpen, typis Gerard Smits: Gerard de Jode, 1577 |

Architectura oder Bauung der Antiquen auss dem Vitruvius, funff Collummen Orden. Antwerpen, Gerard de Jode, 1581

Architecture generale de Vetruve, reduite ... Amsterdam, 1681

Architecture ou art de bien bastir. Paris, chez Jacques Gazeau, 1547


L’Architettura. Siena, 1700

L’Architettura. Napoli, 1758

De architectura. [Roma, Eucharius Silber, 1486-1487] | |

De architectura libri dece traducti de latino in vulgare affigurati. Como, per Gottardo Da Ponte, 1521

De architectura. 1522

De architectura. 1523

De architectura traducto di latino in vulgare dal vero exemplare con le figure a li soi loci con mirando ordine insignito. Venezia, in le case de Giovanni Antonio & Pietro Nicolini da Sabbio, 1524 | |

De architectura. Strasbourg, in officina Georg Messerschmidt, 1543 | | |

De architectura. 1543

De architectura. [Strasbourg, ex officina Georg Messerschmidt], 1550 | |

De architectura. Lyon, apud Jean de Tournes (I), 1552




De architectura libri decem, cum commentariis Danielis Barbari, electi patriarchae Aquileiensis; multis aedificiorum, horologiorum, et machinarum descriptionibus, & figuris, unà cum indicibus copiosis, auctis & illustratis. Venezia, apud Francesco De Franceschi & Johann Criegher, 1567 | | | | | | | |

De architectura. Alcalá de Henares, Juan Gracián, 1582.

De architectura. Paris, 1586 |

De architectura. Amsterdam, 1649 | | | | | |

De architectura. Berlin, 1800

Les dix livres d’architecture. Paris, 1673 |

Les dix livres d’architecture. Paris, 1684 | |

I dieci libri dell’architettura di m. Vitruvio tradutti et commentati da monsignor Barbaro eletto patriarca d’Aquileggia. Con due tavole, l’una di tutto quello si contiene per i capi nell’opera, l’altra per dechiaratione di tutte le cose d’importanza. Venezia, per Francesco Marcolini, 1556

I dieci libri dell’architettura. Venezia, appresso Francesco De Franceschi & Johann Criegher, 1567

I dieci libri dell’architettura. Venezia, 1629 |

M. Vitruvius per Iocundum solito castigatior factus cum figuris et tabula ut iam legi et intelligi possit. Venezia, sumptu Giovanni Tacuino, 1511 | | | |

Raison d’architecture antique. Paris, Simon de Colines, [1536]

Raison d’architecture antique. Paris, Simon de Colines, 1542

Raison d’architecture antique. Paris, Benoît Prévost pour Gilles Gourbin, 1555

Vitruvius Iterum et Frontinus a iocum. 1513 | |

Vitruuuius Teutsch. Zehen buecher von der Architectur und kuenstlichem bawen. Nürnberg, Johann Petreius, 1548

Zehen Bücher von der Architectur. Basel, durch Sebastian Henricpetri, [1629] | | | |

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